Material and Abstract Nouns Exercises with answers

Material and Abstract Nouns Exercises in English to find the correct material and abstract noun from the following sentences. Nouns Exercises are free to view or download in PDF.

Material and Abstract Nouns Exercises with answers

Material and Abstract Nouns Exercises with answers

Material and Abstract Noun Exercises

Exercise – 1 Find out the Material Nouns in the following sentences:

  1. Can you drink water?
  2. Trees give us oxygen.
  3. Gold is a precious metal.
  4. Flour is used to make pancakes
  5. Wood is used to make furniture.
  6. Can you knit a sweater with wool?
  7. I don’t prefer to use plastic pots.
  8. She is carrying oil now.
  9. They want to buy some rice.
  10. I bought a copper glass yesterday.

Answers: 1. water, 2. oxygen, 3. Gold, 4. flour, 5. Wood, 6. wool, 7. plastic, 8. oil, 9. rice, 10. copper

Exercise – 2 Pick out the Material Nouns:

  1. Glass is breakable.
  2. I have a tin box which is full of wheat flour.
  3. Rubber is used to maker tyres.
  4. Does your wife wear Silk saree?
  5. The prices of gold are rising up day by day.
  6. He bought a pair of leather shoes for her daughter.
  7. She is baking a loaf of bread with flour in the kitchen.
  8. Jack wears cotton shirts.
  9. Iron is used to make tools.
  10. We don’t take any medicine without doctor’s advice.

Answers: 1. Glass, 2. wheat, flour, 3. rubber, 4. silk, 5. gold, 6. leather, 7. bread, 8. cotton, 9. Iron, 10. medicine

Exercise – 3 Find out the Abstract Nouns

  1. They all love honesty.
  2. There is no happiness without wealth.
  3. You should always speak the truth.
  4. My dad never tells a lie.
  5. The soldiers are rewarded for their bravery.
  6. I don’t believe in his innocence.
  7.  I have a room which is forty feet in length.
  8. Wisdom is better than strength.
  9. Poverty is a curse.
  10. He is known as his cleverness.

Answers: 1. honesty, 2. happiness, wealth. 3 truth, 4. lie, 5. bravery, 6. innocence, 7. length, 8. wisdom, strength, 9. poverty, 10. cleverness

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Exercise – 4 Form the Abstract Nouns with the Adjectives given below:

  1. Long
  2. Strong
  3. Young
  4. Proud
  5. Poor
  6. Just
  7. Cruel
  8. Wise
  9. Vacant
  10. Ignorant

Answers: 1. length, 2. strength, 3. youth, 4. pride, 5. poverty, 6. justice, 7. cruelty, 8. Wisdom, 9. vacancy, 10. ignorance

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